auditalia,revisione e organizzazione contabile




The Core business of AUDITALIA is the bookkeeping of budgets of society not rated, prepared according to the accountant principles ISA Italy.

AUDITALIA works beside the Client, monitoring all the phases of the job of revision and trying to contribute of improving inside control system.

Relatively to the activity of revision, AUDITALIA furnishes the following services:

  • Bookkeeping revision of budgets of exercise and consolidated of society and Groups not rated.
  • Revision of bookkeping situations infrannual and six monthly report for inside and outside informative aims.
  • Periodic verifications of the regular holding of the social accounting.
  • Bookkeeping revision limited and circumscribed of budget.

Relatively to the activity of organization, AUDITALIA furnishes the following services:

  • Assistance to the solution of problems related to the accounting book-keeping.
  • Assistance to the editing of ordinary budgets and consolidated.
  • Assistance to the editing of budget and business plan.
  • Analysis of the systems of inside control.
  • Analysis for the optimizations of the capital.
  • Analysis for the optimizations of the rating.